Fun At-Home Activities with Your Smooch!

As the weather starts to cool down, our time spent outdoors is dwindling, but with a little creativity and imagination there is plenty of fun to be had at home. You probably already have most of these items in your toy box so read on for some fun and easy ways to help pass time while creating great memories with your little smooch!
Tried and true, puzzles have and will always be a great way to pass time. It’s a fun activity for your little one and they can solve it on their own or with you. Puzzles are also really good for developing brains. There are many skills that your child can develop and strengthen just by solving puzzles. For starters, puzzles provide your child the opportunity to strengthen their cognitive skills. Puzzles help them understand shapes, improves hand-eye coordination, increases memory, builds-up problem solving, and the opportunity to practice trial and error. Secondly, puzzles help your smooch with their social and emotional skills. Puzzles teach patience, attention to detail, team work, and can lower stress levels. Check out a few of our favorite puzzles and get started on nourishing those brains!
Kid’s love to dance and sing! It’s no wonder then that children’s programming is chalk full of sing-a-longs and dance routines. Music matures your child’s verbal and motor skills giving them the energy to become intrigued and explore the world around them. Giving your child instruments when they’re young gets their brain to work quickly and accurately. Here are a few of our favorite beginner instruments to get them started!

Arts & Crafts
Art is so much more than a messy good time (although this is our favorite part,) it’s also key for the developmental growth of young children. Art spotlights ideas, feelings, and visual qualities while crafts involve the creation of tangible objects using their little hands. Teaching young children words about shapes and colors helps build their vocabulary. As they grow, they will take pride in explaining their creations while building confidence, imagination, and an even larger vocabulary. Here are a few of our favorite things for you and your little smooch to expand their artsy side and keep them busy!