
Mother's Day Down
Mothers Day During the Pandemic
May 06, 2021

Moms & Quarantine - Tales from the Pandemic

So here we are celebrating our second Mother's Day of the pandemic, and never have we been more appreciative of the unwavering love of a mother for her children. With many schools and day care centers still not back to normal operations, Mom has stepped up. The duty of home schooling and entertaining young children has fallen mainly on her. Juggling jobs and child care with an intensity never seen before, the words Mom and Superhero have become interchangeable. She is home-schooling and preparing lunches while working. She's policing screen time, finding creative ways to keep little minds entertained and often beating herself up about not doing any of it perfectly. Well Mom, we are here to give you a standing ovation and to tell you that you are doing an A-Mazing job! We see you. We appreciate you and we bow down to you. And let's not forget about all the Grandmas, many of whom were deprived of the joy of spending time with their children and grand children over the past 14 months. We felt your love jumping across those Zoom calls Grandma, and we hope that some of you get to see your loved ones in person this Mother's Day. Below is a collection of photos we collected last Mother's Day from some of our favorite Smoochie Baby customers as well as our own Smoochie family. For clearer images head over to our Instagram Story Highlights.
Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you Superheroes!

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Mother's Day Gift Guide
May 01, 2020

A Very Special Mother's Day Gift Guide

“When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.

― Mitch Albom


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

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